Expeditions that deliver clinical care in various specialties, focused on medium and high complexity surgeries through the EDS Mobile Hospital Model (MHM), a pioneering social technology in Brazil.
Customized expeditions that provide gynecological care to indigenous women, including breast lumps and cervical lesions removal.
Donation and maintenance of prostheses and wheelchairs for children who had their legs amputated due to snake bites in indigenous lands. EDS brings patients to São Paulo, delivers prostheses adapted to the Amazon region and provides the necessary training and maintenance until adulthood.
Providing appropriate infrastructure to connect the guardians of the forest with remote specialized medical care.
The IHUP (Indigenous Health Upgrading Program) focuses on upgrading healthcare facilities in the indigenous communities distributed along five Special Indigenous Sanitary Districts (DISEI): Alto Rio Negro; Alto Rio Solimões; Leste de Roraima; Vale do Javari; and Yanomami.
EDS commitment to act promptly in emergency situations, such as disease outbreaks, natural disasters or humanitarian crises. The organization provides immediate and relevant assistance, ensuring the well-being and survival of these vulnerable populations.